
Old sacks for new wine

People had lived a purely agrarian life for thousands of years.. This evolved into a hierarchal society with a zero-sum economy.. in the event of famine some were expected to die, reducing demand for the limited food.... the Industrial Revolution could have changed that but instead, we fit the new technology into the old model.. technology is all about producing abundance at low cost.. our economic system is about rewarding scarcity... when the Industrial Revolution virtually eliminated scarcity it produced immense wealth for some, but also the need for them to 'manage' the abundance.. you can't maintain a hierarchal society if everybody has all they need.. it was hierarchy itself the Industrial Revolution made obsolete..

Are we all lazy?

It seems any news about new technologies is about it's potential as an 'investment'. How about considering what it can do to improve the life of the average person? Be honest.. most of us do not have the means to invest in a robot start-up, or new medical device or similar things... why not invest in tools for yourself? Have we forgotten what it means to make things? Are we too lazy to do the work? Or do we all dream of being rich without working.. hoping for that winning lottery ticket.. the power is yours and always has been.. just look down and pick up some tools and find something that needs doing..

what is Terran Enterprise

It is nothing less than reclaiming the Industrial Revolution for the common person, as was originally intended.. This is a movement, an attitude, a way of life, a philosophy.... but it is NOT religious or political ... Unlike many blogs, this is not a 'call to arms'... it is more a friendly reminder of all we have available to us that we can use to make the world a better place, however you choose to define that..